We know primary healthcare professionals are usually on the frontline of disasters such as bushfires, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic, not only witnessing the physical health impacts but the emotional impacts of these events.
It is important during times of increased community anxiety for you take care of yourself. The following resources are available to assist the mental health and wellbeing of health professionals:
Home | Hand-n-Hand Peer Support (handnhand.org.au)
RACGP GP Support Program
If you have been impacted by a disaster, please take care of your own health. Should you need support, don’t hesitate to contact the RACGP.
The RACGP GP Support Program provides free and confidential psychological support to members.
You can also access support via the DRS4DRS website and state/territory-based helplines.
DRS4DRS is an independent program providing confidential support and resources to doctors and medical students across Australia, by doctors.
Confidential phone advice is available 24/7 for any doctor or medical student in Australia.
Phone: 9437 6552