South Western Sydney PHN’s (SWSPHN) Practice Support teams deliver a wide range of support to GPs, practice staff and practice nurses to build the capacity of primary care services and encourage ongoing improvements. Our support is tailored to meet the needs of individual practices.
Our Practice Support teams consist of Practice Support Officers and Practice Advancement Officers who all provide support and keep practices up to date with the latest developments in primary healthcare and current Commonwealth and State Government initiatives. We provide valuable support and training to increase the capacity of general practice, leading to improved systems, enhanced patient care and practice outcomes. Support is provided to our practices via practice visits, phone, email and remote desktop support.
Our Practice Support teams can assist your practice in the following areas:
- Support general practices to achieve/maintain accreditation
- Digital health
- MyMedicare
- HealthPathways and Health Resources Directory
- SWSPHN commissioned services to refer your patients
- Building capacity within your practice to provide high quality patient care through practice transformation support facilitating improvements in general practice through the implementation
of new processes - Advice on initiatives to increase payments to your practice
- Inform your practice of CPD opportunities
- Quality Improvement in Primary Care
- Antenatal Shared Care Program registration
- Referral forms, templates, primary care resources
- Provide recommendations of appropriate programs, services and opportunities for your practice based on your individual needs through the provision of our Practice Interaction and Status Report
- Practice management support
- Assistance with any other general practice queries