What we do

Accreditation support for general practice

Happy GP in meeting with PSO

Accreditation in general practice promotes a culture of quality and safety . General practices are assessed for accreditation against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practice, which are considered the benchmark for high quality care. Accreditation against the standards is voluntary and valid for three years.


Accreditation support

South Western Sydney PHN’s (SWSPHN) Practice Support team provides support for practices undertaking accreditation for the first time or for those undergoing re-accreditation. This support includes:

  • Providing contact information for accreditation agencies.
  • Overview of accreditation
  • Supporting first-time accredited practices through the different stages of accreditation
  • Providing feedback regarding accreditation readiness
  • Providing templates and resources as required
  • Providing links for online training for practice staff
  • Assist practices in navigating AGPAL Education & Resource Library (Qbay), QPA Connect portal and ACHS website
  • Provide guidance on Quality Improvement Initiatives

To arrange support for accreditation please contact your Practice Support or Practice Advancement Officer. Alternatively, Contact us on:

Phone: 4632 3000


Accreditation assessment organisations

General practices seeking formal accreditation against the RACGP Standards may choose from four independent approved accreditation agencies. The two agencies most used in South Western Sydney are:



Visit AGPAL website and click on the ‘Request a quote’ or ‘Register’ tab to obtain a no-obligation quote or register for accreditation. There is an initial registration fee paid when practices register to commence their accreditation process. The balance of the accreditation fee is payable once the self-assessment is submitted.

Phone: 1300 362 111



Visit QPA website  and clicking on the ‘Fee Estimate’ tab to request an indicative fee. The program fee is payable upon application. The balance of the accreditation fee is calculated and invoiced six weeks prior to the on-site visit.

Phone: 1800 188 088


Agencies are authorised under The National General Practice Accreditation Scheme (NGPA Scheme) and approved by the Australia Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) to assess and monitor the performance of general practices.
Visit the RACGP website for all approved accreditation agencies


GP with satified patients

Benefits of accreditation

  • improve practice efficiency and overall health outcomes
  • improve patient safety and reduce risk in practice
  • patient assurance that a high level of care is provided
  • build a culture of quality in the practice environment
  • develop staff skills and engage the practice team in continuous quality improvement
  • eligibility to access government schemes and financial incentives such as the Practice Incentives Program (PIP),Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) and MyMedicare.

Read more on MyMedicare and how to apply

Visit the Service Australia website for requirements and payments for individual incentives and how to apply

Visit the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care website to find out more.


Standards and other resources for accreditation


Standards and Guidelines

Accreditation Focus List

QIPC and Accreditation

SWSPHN HealthPathways