- Health topics
allAboriginal healthAdvance care planningAged careAlcohol and other drugsCALD and refugeeCancerChildren’s healthChronic diseaseCOVID-19DiabetesDigital healthDisasterHepatitisImmunisationMental healthOlder peopleOverweight and obesityPalliative carePrimary Care health workforceVoluntary assisted dying
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Practice Disaster Planning Guide
This practice disaster planning guide aims to assist general practices plan for unexpected disruptions to operations, including the practice site, staff and care of patients.
Use this guide in conjunction with existing resources such as practice business continuity plans.
Use this Word document as a live document. Complete all of the tables and checklists and schedule in regular reviews and updates. Keep a printout of your latest version to grab and run should your practice be forced to evacuate.
- Suited for
Practice Manager
Australian College of Nursing
ACN is a key national professional nursing organisation open to nurses in all settings and at every stage of their careers. They are also an authorised higher education provider and registered training organisation and the Australian member of the International Council of Nurses.
- Suited for
Practice Nurse
Head To Health
A safe and welcoming space for adults, their family and friends, who may be in distress or crisis, or need help finding the right mental health services for their individual needs. The service includes a phone line to provide advice and connection to the local mental health service or support.
Liverpool HCV Remote Consultation Request
Liverpool Sexual Health Clinic Remote Consultation Request for Initiation of Hepatitis C Treatment
Do not open this template in your internet browser. Download this template and save to your computer to avoid file corruption.
- Suited for
Software type
Best Practice, MedicalDirector
SWSLHD Voluntary Assisted Dying – Central Support Service Referral Form
For advice and information regarding the completion of this referral please contact the Voluntary Assisted Dying – Central Support Service on 8738 6055 between 8:30am to 4:00pm or email SWSLHD-VAD@health.nsw.gov.au
- Suited for
Software type
Best Practice, MedicalDirector
AGPAL online learning
Your experts in health, community and social services professional development
- Suited for
Practice Nurse
GP Mental Health Treatment Plan: Mental health treatment plan review template
Do not open this template in your internet browser. Download this template and save to your computer to avoid file corruption. Mental health treatment plan review template developed by RACGP.
- Suited for
Software type
Best Practice, MedicalDirector
My Care Partners referral form
Use this template to refer patients into the My Care Partners program.
- Suited for
Software type
Best Practice, MedicalDirector