Collaborating with general practice, the community and the other stakeholders to improve cancer screening rates and reduce cancer risk in our region.
On average, one-in-two people in NSW will be diagnosed with a form of cancer by the age of 85 (Cancer Institute NSW – 2018). Cancer is now the largest cause of mortality in Australia, surpassing cardiovascular disease (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – 2016). To achieve this, we are undertaking a cancer screening project which aims to improve participation in the three national screening programs: cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening.
Increasing participation in these three national screening programs can lead to earlier detection of cancer and in turn help increase the survival rate for people diagnosed with cancer and lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
What is cancer screening?
Cancer screening can help protect your health through early detection, even if you do not have any symptoms of the disease. Simple screening tests will look for particular changes, early signs of cancer or the likelihood a person could develop the disease in the future.
In many cases, early detection increases the chances of successful treatment. Tests are offered to people who may have a risk of a particular disease because of their age, gender or other factors. A screening test is the first step.