South Western Sydney PHN supports GPs offering palliative care by providing the following resources.
Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT-4ALL™)
The SPICT4all tool is a form to help GPs and Allied Health in identifying patients that can benefit with Palliative Care Discussions.
HealthPathways offers clinicians locally agreed information to make the right decisions, together with patients, at the point of care.
A Journey into Sorry Business
Palliative care and the importance of yarning your wishes guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in South Western Sydney.
About POMp flier
Summary of the Peace of Mind project.
CareSearch evidence centre
The palliative care knowledge network, CareSearch's Evidence Centre is a place for people to find, learn about, and work with palliative care evidence. An authoritative, practical, and foundational resource to support best practice and improving care.
A Flinders University resource
CareSearch health professionals centre
The palliative care knowledge network, CareSearch's Health Professionals Centre is a place for the workforce providing palliative care. Providing trustworthy and practical resources that are relevant to your practice.
A Flinders University resource
Service NSW “Help in your language”
How Service NSW provide many translation and interpreter services.
A community guide to the paramedics role in palliative care
This fact sheet has been created to assist health practitioners to better understand the role paramedics play in community palliative care.
A health practitioners guide to the paramedics role in palliative care
A fact sheet to assist health practitioners better understand the role paramedics play in community palliative care.
A guide to the paramedics role in palliative care
The role paramedics play in end of life care and what you, as a patient or carer can do to prepare. Including to have your GP's contact details and end of life wishes ready.
Yarning Our Wishes video
Highlighting key points and cultural considerations when working Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders needing end-of-life care.
Yarning Our Wishes booklet
For health professionals and community organisations working in end-of-life care and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members of Western Sydney.
Palliative Care Australia – Dying to Talk
Discussion starters to help patients begin to think and talk about their healthcare wishes. Access the Dying to Talk Discussion Starter or the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Discussion Starter.
Palliative Care Education Directory
The Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative is a national palliative care project bringing together palliative care education and training for priority health care provider groups across primary, secondary and tertiary settings. The PaCE Directory enables users to readily access palliative care education and training resources that are provided by the Collaborative and other National Palliative Care Projects (NPCPs).
Peace of Mind Project report
Peace of Mind Project report – full report
This report represents a summary of the work undertaken, successes and learnings of the Peace of Mind Project from January 2018 to 30 June 2021.
Peace of Mind Project report – no appendices
This report represents a summary of the work undertaken, successes and learnings of the Peace of Mind Project from January 2018 to 30 June 2021. The appendices have been deleted from this version.
Peace of Mind Project report – appendix 1
Resources for implementing palliative care projects for underserviced groups.
Peace of Mind Project report – appendix 2
Resources to assist clinicians.
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