SWSPHN keeps a register of primary care professionals who have expressed an interest in volunteering to assist in a disaster.
Roles sought
- GPs
- practice nurses
- practice managers
- practice administrators
- translators
- mental health workers and psychologists
Volunteers may offer telehealth consultations, visit Residential Aged Care Homes or attend evacuation centres. Expressed availability is voluntary and continually assessed.
The register lists volunteers’ availability and desired response role. In the event of a disaster, you may be contacted by SWSPHN and asked to fill shifts.
GP involvement may include providing:
- prescriptions for medications
- basic First Aid
- Psychological First Aid
- referrals to a GP practice or the nearest hospital emergency department
- referral of patients to other responders at evacuation centres
- GPs will bring their own doctor’s bag and script pad
Join the primary care disaster volunteer register
Find out more and get involved
To find out more about any of these initiatives, or to book a consultation to discuss emergency planning for your practice, contact Alyssa Horgan, SWSPHN Priority Populations Program Advisor.
Web: swsphn.com.au/disaster-preparedness
Email: alyssa.horgan@swsphn.com.au
Phone: 4632 3088