Protecting Australian’s private health information is a priority. Australia’s eHealth system is protected by the following legislation: The Privacy Act 1998 and the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2011.
Strict privacy and security measures have been applied to the eHealth record system. Your eHealth Record is protected by data security features such as:
- Audit trails – you can see who has looked at your eHealth record and when (this is not possible with paper-based records)
- Technology and data management controls and ongoing security testing
- Security measures such as encryption, secure logins and passwords
In an emergency situation, a healthcare professional will be able to check your record without your permission. This will only be allowed in line with relevant laws, and if it is believed that your (or other people’s) health or safety is at risk.
Want advice of privacy and security?
The Digital Health team at South Western Sydney PHN are ready to help practices implement digital health initiatives.
Ph: 4632 3000