This dementia and palliative care services directory contains local, State and National services to guide families, carers and people living with dementia from diagnoses to end-of-life care.
Advance care planning and directives
Advance care planning involves having discussions and planning for your future care needs. It allows you to plan and make decisions about your care treatment if you or a loved one were to become ill and/or unable to communicate your preferences.
Advance Care Directives record your specific wishes in relation to future healthcare. This includes any medical or dental treatments you would like or not like if you were to have a life-threatening illness or injury. In NSW you do not need to use a specific form.
An Enduring Guardian is a person you appoint to become your substitute decision-maker if you can no longer make lifestyle, health and medical decisions.
Advance Care Planning Australia
Advance Care Planning and Dementia
1300 208 582
NSW Health Information
Making an Advance Care Directive
Advance Care Planning Brochure
Dementia Australia
National care services
NDIS: National Disability Insurance Scheme
The NDIS is Australia’s first national scheme for people aged between seven and 65 years with a disability. It provides funding directly to eligible individuals with a disability with the aim to increase independence and improve quality of life.
1800 800 110
My Aged Care
My Aged Care is the Australian Government’s starting point for all aged care needs for people aged 65 years and older or over 50 for First Nations people. My Aged Care can assist with access to government-funded aged care services, information on the types of care available, the eligibility and assessment process, and the costs associated with the services you require.
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm, Saturdays: 10am to 2pm, Closed: Sundays and national public holidays
1800 200 422
My Aged care face-to-face appointments available
Face-to-face aged care support is available at dedicated Services Australia centres. Find your nearest Aged Care Specialist Officer and book an appointment.
Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
1800 227 475
Care finder
Care finder services help connect vulnerable people who are eligible for aged care services with My Aged Care and/or access other relevant supports in the community.
This program will act as a face-to-face support to encourage:
- engagement with aged care supports
- understanding the benefits of receiving support, and
- assistance in finding information and accessing services
How is this different to My Aged Care?
This program is for people who struggle to use My Aged Care.
- For example, people who are:
- isolated and/or have no support person
- hesitant to engage with government institutions experiencing communication barriers including language and literacy facing difficulties with processing information unwilling to engage with aged care and their safety is at risk
Care finder services in South Western Sydney:
CatholicCare Sydney Ltd
Area covered: South Western Sydney region.
13 18 19
Catholic Healthcare
Area covered: Campbelltown local government area.
1800 225 474
Multicultural Care Limited
Area covered: South Western Sydney region.
Focus area: culturally and linguistically diverse people.
9718 6199
Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre
Area covered: South Western Sydney region.
8778 1200
EACH social and community health
Area covered: Camden, Wollondilly, Wingecarribee local government areas.
1300 003 224
Fall prevention - people with dementia
Allied health professionals
Physiotherapists, occupational therapists and exercise physiologists provide support through education, practical recommendations, environmental safety assessments and fall prevention programs.
Active and Healthy
Active and Healthy has links to exercise programs within your local area and provides information and tools, including Staying Active and On Your Feet, a falls prevention resource available to download and in several languages.
Stay Active and On Your Feet
Dementia Training Australia
Dementia Training Australia provides training and support for those interested in improving environments for people with dementia.
Dementia Enabling Environments
By making small changes to the furnishings in your home, a person living with dementia could have more independence within their own surroundings.
Dementia Enabling Environments offers practical and useful tips on how to design different rooms within your house.
1300 667 788
55 Walters Dr, Osborne Park WA
Dementia and palliative care supports First Nations Australians
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia has a series of help sheets for First Nations people about memory changes, dementia signs and symptoms, diagnosis of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and information for families. It has a video series, Your Story Matters:
Dementia and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Advance Care Planning Australia
Companion booklet: Taking Control of Your Health Journey
Caring for Spirit
Caring for Spirit aims to provide a centralised online source of appropriate resources and information for First Nations communities.
9399 1732
A 24-hour-a-day, seven days a week phone line to support First Nations people going through a hard time. Individuals can connect to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter to have a yarn if they are feeling worried.
13 92 76
Dementia Support Australia
Dementia Support Australia has developed a set of 58 illustrated communication cards which support the wellbeing of First Nations Australians living with dementia. The communication cards aim to assist and support carers and family to communicate and engage with the person they are caring for.
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation‘s Understanding the palliative care journey: a guide for individuals, carers, communities and family provides general information in assisting and gaining an understanding of what a palliative care journey may hold for First Nations people.
Understanding the Palliative Care Journey
Caring@home aims to improve the quality of palliative care service delivery for all Australians by developing resources to support carers and families to help manage end-of-life symptoms. It has several resources for First Nations Australians, including a Palliative Care Clinic Box.
1300 600 007
Palliative Care Australia
This discussion starter and card pack for First Nations people was developed by Palliative Care Australia, in partnership with the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives, Australian Indigenous Doctors Association and Indigenous Allied Health Australia and others.
Discussion Starter – Working Out What’s Right For You - Palliative Care Australia
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW
The Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW has created a toolkit to guide First Nations people through end-of-life care.
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW
National Aboriginal Controlled Health Organisations
National Aboriginal Controlled Health Organisations has 144 member organisations providing primary care across Australia. Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation Aboriginal Medical Service (TACAMS) is located in Airds in South Western Sydney.
187 Riverside Dr, Airds
4628 4837
A Journey into Sorry Business booklet
This booklet supports First Nations people to journey into their preferences and wishes through Sorry Business. The aim of the booklet is to connect health services with First Nations wisdom. The booklet is a collaboration between South Western Sydney PHN, local Aboriginal Elders, the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council and South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD).
Driving and dementia
Dementia Australia
Once a person receives a diagnosis of dementia it does not mean they have to give up driving straight away. Dementia Australia has a page on its website which describes driving for people living with dementia.
Seniors Rights Service
The Seniors Rights Service provides free and confidential advice, aged care advocacy, support and legal advice to seniors across NSW.
Suite 201/418A Elizabeth St, Surry Hills
1800 424 079 / 9281 3600
Older Persons Advocacy Network
Older Persons Advocacy Network is a network of independent non-profit organisations advocating for older people. The network provides free, confidential and independent support for older people.
1800 700 600
Carer support
Carers Gateway
Carers Gateway is an Australian Government program providing support and services to carers.
1800 422 737
Carers NSW
Carers NSW is a state-based service providing information, education and training, resources and referrals for carers living in NSW.
9380 4744
Young Carers Network
Young Carers Network is a Carers Australia initiative to provide information and develop pathways for young carers. It also delivers the Young Carers Bursary Program.
1800 756 238
Wellways Carer Gateway Program
The Wellways Carer Gateway Program provides information, advice and support for carers in the South Western Sydney region.
1300 111 400
Emergency respite
If a carer becomes ill or injured, you can call CarersGateway for emergency respite.
24 hours a day, seven days a week
1800 422 737
Wingecarribee Dementia Advisory Service
Wingecarribee Dementia Advisory Service supports people living with dementia through information, education and guidance. Carer support groups and Café Connects are held across the area.
Suite 1 Queen St Centre, Queen St, Moss Vale
4869 5651
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia has a range of information available for carers supporting people living with dementia.
For family, friends and carers
Self-care for carers
CarerHelp brings together a range of pathways, tools, videos and information to support carers during the end of life process. This includes translated materials.
R305 Level 3, Sturt West, Flinders University, Sturt Rd, Bedford Park SA 5042
08 7221 8233
Dementia friendly environments
Setting up a dementia friendly environment allows a person living with dementia the opportunity to live more independently in their surrounding environment.
Dementia enabling environments
Mentoring Men
Mentoring Men provides free, long-term one-to-one life mentoring programs for men living in Australia.
1300 583 925
Australian Death Notification Service
The Australian Death Notification Service is a free government initiative to notify multiple organisation that a person has died using a single online notification.
Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm
13 77 88
Support groups
Memory Lane Café
Meet with others who can provide friendship and support, along with staff from Dementia Australia, while enjoying light refreshments. Bookings are essential.
11am to 1pm
Picton Bowling Club, 10 Cliffe St, Picton
0482 188 147
Dementia Support Group
The Dementia Support Group is a social support group for people living with dementia and their carers who live in Liverpool and Fairfield.
10am to 12pm
Second Friday of each month
Hoxton Park Community Health Centre, 596 Hoxton Park Rd, Hoxton Park
8778 4222
Community Links
Community Links Wellbeing holds a support group for First Nations Elders/carers who are providing support for people with disabilities, including people living with dementia.
10.30am to 2pm
Fortnightly on Thursday
Bargo CWA Hall
4683 2776
Spanish Carers Group
The Spanish Carers Group holds social activities for carers.
10am to 1pm
Fairfield Community Centre, 25 Barbara St, Fairfield
9610 0268
Aboriginal Yarning Circle – Carers Support Group
The Aboriginal Yarning Circle is a social support group for First Nations carers.
10am to 12pm
Last Friday of the month
Northcott, 101 Queen St, Campbelltown
4640 8700
Food and financial assistance: Anglicare
Anglicare services include: Mobile Community Pantry, Community Pantry in Anglicare Op Shops, emergency food assistance, no interest loans, financial counselling and Break The Cycle - a service to assist people of all ages and family circumstances who are experiencing hardship.
8624 8600
Moneycare: The Salvation Army
Moneycare provides free financial counselling services for individuals, couples and families.
1800 722 363 / 9633 5011
NSW Spectacles Program
The NSW Spectacles Program funds free glasses and optical aids to financially disadvantaged residents of NSW.
1300 847 466
Medical support
Community Health Service’s Triple I Hub
The Triple I Hub offers a contact point for patients and carers who need referrals for community services.
1800 455 511
Community Health Nursing Service
The Community Health Nursing Service provides community-based nursing to residents of Wingecarribee Shire. Care includes: chronic and complex care, continence and palliative care.
1800 455 511
Health resources
Health Resource Directory
The Health Resource Directory is a South Western Sydney PHN initiative which helps to connect people to information and resources about health conditions. The information has been developed from the clinical guidelines GPs use in South Western Sydney. Factsheets and webpages have been reviewed and endorsed by local community members and GPs, and is available in English, Chinese, Arabic and Vietnamese. Audio files also available. Related articles:
Sleep disturbances in palliative care
Self-care for family and carers in palliative care
Palliative Care pain management
Managing the final stages of dying
Death Doula - End of Life Angels
End of Life Angels provides support, guidance and education to assist with advance care planning, end-of-life care and post death support.
Patsy Bingham
18 Gladstone Rd, Bowral
0416 212 219
Dementia Doula - Dementia Doulas International
Dementia Doulas International provides support, assistance and education to assist with the advancing stages of dementia.
Wendy Hall
PO Box 735, Blackwood, South Australia
0475 216 103
The Dementia Podcast
The Dementia Podcast provides up-to-date information from HammondCare Dementia Centre and their guests about clinical, practical, and complex issues relating to advanced dementia.
Dementia in Practice podcast series
Dementia in Practice is a series of podcasts by a group of GPs from Dementia Training Australia.
Dementia in Practice: Now we're talking
Carer Conversations
Carer Conversations is a series of podcasts sharing stories about carers and the caring role from The Benevolent Society. Available on Apple Podcasts.
The Forgettable Half Hour
The Forgettable Half Hour is a podcast from the makers of Oma’s Applesauce and Everybody’s Oma, which unpacks what it is like to be a carer of somebody living with dementia.
In our own voices
In our own voices is a podcast from Carers NSW Australia which highlights carers’ conversations about palliative care services.
The Death, Dying, Diagnosis and Doulas Podcast
A podcast by Julie Fletcher, available on Apple Podcasts.
Dementia services and programs
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia is the national peak body for people living with dementia.
1800 100 500
Dementia Support Australia
Dementia Support Australia is a free, nationwide service funded by the Australian Government. It provides practical advice and recommendations for people living with dementia who are experiencing changes in their behaviour. It provides a 24-hour helpline, 365 days a year.
Services include individual care plans, guides and resources, links to community services.
1800 699 799
Staying at Home program
Staying at Home is a free carer wellbeing and respite program which provides advice and practical strategies for carers.
Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service
The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service provides support and strategies for people living with dementia who are experiencing a change in behaviours. The service provides tailored advice and strategies to address individual needs.
Severe Behaviour Response Team
The Severe Behaviour Response Team is for people living with dementia who are experiencing behaviours or psychological symptoms of dementia. The team provides in-person consultation within 48 hours. They provide support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Needs Based Assessment Program
The Needs Based Assessment Program provides assessments to determine if an individual living with dementia is eligible to access specialist dementia care programs.
Step Up for Dementia Research
Step Up for Dementia Research is a free research participation and engagement service for people interested in participating in dementia research in Australia.
1800 7837 123
Dementia specific activities
Art Gallery NSW
Art and Dementia Program
The Art and Dementia program is designed for people living with dementia and their carers. The program provides opportunities for meaningful and interactive engagement from the Art Gallery’s collection. The program is available free for groups on any Thursday or Friday for one hour between 10.30am and 12pm if booked at least two weeks in advance.
Art and Dementia Visits
The Art and Dementia program is designed for people living with dementia, their care partners and communities. Through each session you’ll be guided through a selection of art in the Art Gallery NSW collection. Each session includes a tour of selected artworks on display, a sensory and tactile-based art-making workshop and morning tea. Bookings are essential.
Last Friday of each month
9225 1740
Art and Dementia visits: Art Gallery of NSW
National Gallery of Australia: Art and Dementia Online
Art and Dementia Online is a monthly art program for people living with dementia and their carers across Australia. The creative program engages participants with the collection at the National Gallery of Australia through discussions and art making.
11am to 12.15pm
Fourth Friday of every month
6240 6411
Bell Program: Myrtle Cottage
The Bell Program at Myrtle Cottage is a social support group for people living with dementia in the Macarthur area.
6 Bosci Rd, Ingleburn
9426 3100
Focus Connect
Focus Connect is a Commonwealth Home Support Program social support group for people with dementia.
3 Chamberlain St, Campbelltown
4627 1188
Dementia alliances
Canterbury Bankstown Dementia Alliance
Canterbury Bankstown Dementia Alliance is a local council-led initiative to support a dementia-friendly community in the Canterbury-Bankstown local government area.
Sandra Loyola-Sandoval
9707 9464
Transport services
South West Community Transport
South West Community Transport provides transport to medical appointments, hospital visits, shopping centres and social outings in South Western Sydney for people who are frail aged and their carers.
10 Cary Gr, Minto
9426 8999
Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme
The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme supports NSW residents who are unable to use public transport due to severe and permanent disability. If eligible, you could receive a subsidy of 50 per cent for taxi fares up to a maximum of $60, and pay only the remaining fare.
13 77 88
Library services
Dementia Australia Library
The Dementia Australia Library is a national library service for Dementia Australia members.
1800 100 500
City of Canterbury Bankstown Libraries
Library services for Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA) include:
Home Library Service - The Home Library Service is available to people who are housebound due to illness, disability or mobility difficulties.
Bus to Library - The Bus to Library service is for people who find it difficult to get to the library. A free bus will pick you up and take you to your nearest library.
9707 9733
Camden Council Libraries
Branch | Phone | |
Camden | 4654 7951 | |
Narellan | 4645 5039 | |
Oran Park | 4645 5644 | |
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is available for people living in Camden Local Government Area (LGA) who are housebound due to age, illness, injury or carer responsibilities.
Campbelltown City Council Libraries
4645 4126 / 4645 4091
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is available to people living in Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA) who are house-bound or unable to get to a library due to age, disability or illness. Books, talking books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and materials in other languages can all be borrowed.
Fairfield City Council Libraries
9725 0333
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is available to people living in Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA) who are housebound or unable to get to a library due to age, frailty, disability or illness. Books, talking books, and other library resources are selected for you and delivered to your home.
Liverpool City Council Libraries
8711 7177
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is a free personalised service available to people living in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA). Books, talking books and other library resources can be delivered to your home.
Wingecarribee Public Library
1300 266 235
Home Library Service
The Home Library Service is available for aged or infirm rural residents who are unable to access their local branch. Staff select a variety of books based on your preferences.
Mobile Library
The Mobile Library makes scheduled visits to towns and villages around the shire. Visit the website for more details.
Wollondilly Shire Council Libraries
4677 8300
Home Library Service
The fortnightly Home Library Service is for people living in Wollondilly Shire who are unable to access the library due to age, illness or disability.
Mobile Library
The Mobile Library visits 16 stops across the shire on a weekly basis.
Food services
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals to the community.
Cost: Clients pay a fee
Referral through My Aged Care
Bankstown Meals on Wheels
PO Box 8, Bankstown 1885
9707 9646
Camden Meals on Wheels
PO Box 401, Camden 2570
4655 6822
Campbelltown Meals on Wheels
PO Box 685, Campbelltown 2560
4645 4426
Fairfield Food Services
PO Box 261, Fairfield 1860
9728 6939
Meals on Wheels Southern Highlands
PO Box 73, Moss Vale 2577
4869 4032
IC Care Meals on Wheels
65 Menangle St, Picton 2571
4677 2524
Tender Loving Cuisine
Tender Loving Cuisine delivers frozen meals to your door. Home Care Packages (HCP) available with referral. Seniors discounts available. See website for prices.
1800 801 200 / 9713 5355
Care Food Co
Care Food Co provides home delivered texture modified food in NSW. See website for prices. Home Care Packages (HCP) available with referral.
1300 251 890
Lite n’ Easy
Lite n’ Easy provides home delivered food in NSW. See website for prices. Home Care Packages (HCP) available with referral.
13 15 12
Bereavement counselling services
Southern Highlands Bereavement Care Services
Southern Highlands Bereavement Care Services provides counselling around loss, life changes or transitions for people living in Wingecarribee and Wollondilly areas.
9am to 5pm
Bowral Hospital, Mona Rd, Bowral
4862 1701
Hammondcare/SWSLHD Palliative Care Bereavement Service
The Hammondcare/SWSLHD Palliative Care Bereavement Service provides bereavement support for family and friends of anyone registered with the South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) Palliative Care Service or bereaved family and friends of anyone who has died in another Palliative Care service within SWSLHD.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9am to 5.30pm
Braeside Hospital, 340 Prairie Vale Rd, Prairiewood
9756 8878
Lifeline Counselling
Lifeline provides 24-hour phone crisis support and counselling, and face-to-face counselling for bereavement and financial crisis.
13 11 14
Legal advice
Macarthur Legal Centre
Macarthur Legal Centre is a not-for-profit organisation which provides free legal advice, referrals and assistance to people living in the Macarthur region.
4628 2042
Justice Support Centre
Justice Support Centre provides free legal advice and education for people living in Liverpool, Fairfield and Bankstown Local Government Areas.
9601 7777
Fire safety
Fire and Rescue NSW
Fire and Rescue NSW provides a number of services for vulnerable people.
Safety visits
Fire and Rescue NSW can visit your home to check your smoke alarms. They can also check and advise on other safety concerns.
Seniors Winter Fire Safety
Being older increases your risk of being caught in a home fire. Fire and Rescue NSW provides fire safety tips, fire escape and general information regarding safety in winter.
Smoke alarms for the deaf and hearing impaired
Smoke alarms are available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These alarms have a strobe light and/or vibrating pad that can be placed under the pillow which activates when the smoke alarm sounds.
Medical oxygen safety checklist
Fire and Rescue NSW provide a guideline if you use medical oxygen at home. They have made recommendations you can follow to make your home safe.
Seniors fire safety factsheet
Did you know that nearly 50 per cent of house fire fatalities are aged 65years and older? There are simple steps that you can follow improve safety in your home.
MLAK keys
The Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) allows people with a disability access to dedicated public facilities, including councils, national parks, disabled toilets, elevators at railway stations and Liberty Swings. Contact your local council to obtain an MLAK key.
City of Canterbury Bankstown Council
FREE for Canterbury Bankstown City Council residents
9707 9000
Campbelltown City Council
Cost: $18.90
4645 4000
Camden Council
Cost: Free
4645 5009
Fairfield City Council
Cost: varies
Contact your local locksmith for purchase information.
Liverpool City Council
Cost: Free
1300 36 2170
Wingecarribee Shire Council
Cost: $25
4868 0888
Wollondilly Shire Council
$10 to eligible Wollondilly residents
4677 9550
National Public Toilet Map
The National Public Toilet Map shows the location of more than 19,000 public and private public facilities across Australia, including toilets, adult change and baby care. Information is provided about each toilet, such as location, accessibility details, opening hours and features like sharps disposal and showers.
National Public Toilet App
The app provides information on over 19,000 publicly available toilets across Australia including accessibility, opening hours and facilities.
Bins4Blokes is a national campaign to place incontinence bins within male public toilet facilities. Many toilets within the area have bins already placed in their facilities.
Continence Foundation of Australia
Dementia and Bladder and Bowel control factsheet
Dementia Australia
Pet services
RSPCA NSW – Community Aged Care Program
The Community Aged Care Program assists pet owners over the age of 65 or First Nations pet owners over the age of 50 and palliative care patients of any age. They provide:
- Temporary foster accommodation and/or emergency pet boarding if the owner requires medical treatment, respite or other assistance
- Assistance with veterinary treatment
- Home visits to assist the elderly with basic pet care
- Assistance with pet grooming
- Assistance with transport to and from the local veterinarian
Cost: assessed on case by case bases
9782 4408
RSPCA NSW - The Home Ever After Program
The Home Ever After program ensures your pet is taken into immediate care should anything happen to you, or you become too sick to care for them.
Cost: No charge during your lifetime, the RSPCA NSW ask that you leave a gift in your Will to RSPCA NSW.
9782 4419
RSPCA NSW - Seniors for Seniors
RSPCA NSW offers a 50 per cent discount on pets for Seniors Card holders if they adopt a dog or cat over the age of eight years old. This program also comes with access to the Home Ever After program.
9770 7555
Equipment services
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Building 3A, 1 Moorebank Ave, Moorebank
8706 2300
Independent Living Specialists
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm
Store | Phone | |
242 Chapel Rd, Bankstown | 9064 1587 | |
Shop 1C Tindall St, Campbelltown | 4625 3992 | |
1/291 Woodville Rd, Guildford | 9721 3884 | |
26-27/1 Sappho Rd, Warwick Farm | 9062 4240 | |
Grocery shopping
The major supermarkets have developed “quiet times” within their business hours to allow people who find shopping over stimulating, busy and loud.
Coles Supermarket
Quiet hour occurs every Tuesday between 10.30am and 11.30am. During the quiet hour the following changes will occur:
- Store lightning will be reduced
- Coles Radio will be turned down
- Register and scanner volumes will be reduced to the lowest level
- No trolley collections
- Roll cages will be removed from the shop floor
- No PA announcements will be made except in the case of emergencies
- Additional team members will be available to support customers
Store | Phone |
Cnr Murray and South Argyle Sts, Camden | 4655 7946 |
368 Hamilton Rd, Fairfield West | 9616 5100 |
100 Macquarie Rd, Ingleburn | 8797 9600 |
200 Gilchrist Dr, Macarthur Square | 4629 2100 |
Wattle Grove Shopping Centre, Cnr Australis Ave and Village Way, Wattle Grove | 9731 1044 |
7 Kirkham Rd, Moss Vale | 4869 5417 |
Shop M01, 5 Willowdale Dr, Willowdale | 8763 8100 |
Woolworths Supermarket
Quiet hour occurs every Tuesday between 10.30am and 11.30am. During the quiet hour the following changes will occur:
- Stores will lower lights
- Music and radio will be turned down
- Oven buzzers will be turned down
- Store phones and registers volume will be turned down
- Roll cages will be removed from shop floor
- No PA announcements (excludes in case of emergencies)
Bankstown LGA stores | Phone |
Centro Shopping Centre Lady Cutler Ave, Bankstown | 8709 4309 |
Bass Hill Plaza, Bass Hill | 8709 4315 |
Chester Hill Square Shopping Centre 1-13 Leicester St, Chester Hill | 8709 4303 |
Camden LGA stores | Phone |
35 Oxley St Camden, Camden | 4651 4400 |
Cnr Village Crt and Gregory Hills Dr, Gregory Hills | 4646 9329 |
11-13 Main St, Mt Annan | 4646 9321 |
Narellan Town Centre: 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan | 4646 9312 |
Oran Park Podium: 351 Oran Park Dr, Oran Park | 4646 9324 |
254 Richardson Rd, Spring Farm | 4651 4403 |
Campbelltown LGA Stores | Phone |
Campbelltown Mall: 271 Queen St, Campbelltown | 4646 9315 |
180 Gould Rd, Eagle Vale | 8785 3612 |
Ingleburn Town Centre: Cnr Nardoo and Norfolk St, Ingleburn | 8785 3625 |
Macarthur Square Shopping Centre: Cnr Gilchrist Drive and Kellicar Rd, Macarthur Square | 4646 9306 |
Cnr Victoria Rd and Brooks St, Macquarie Fields | 8785 3633 |
Minto Mall: 10 Brookfield Rd, Minto | 8785 3670 |
Rosemeadow Shopping Centre: Thomas Rose Dr, Rosemeadow | 4646 9309 |
Liverpool LGA Stores | Phone |
100 Bonnyrigg Ave, Bonnyrigg | 8785 3621 |
Carnes Hill Shopping Centre: 245 Cowpasture Rd, Carnes Hill | 8785 3645 |
607 Hume Highway, Casula | 8785 3648 |
Cnr Sandringham Dr and Fedore Rd, Cecil Hills | 8785 3630 |
The Valley Plaza: 187 Wilson Rd, Green Valley | 8785 3642 |
Westfields Shopping Centre: Cnr Campbell and Northumberland Sts, Liverpool | 8785 3618 |
Miller Community Shopping Centre: Cartwright Ave, Miller | 8785 3627 |
1975-1985 Camden Valley Way, Prestons | 8785 3654 |
Wingecarribee LGA Stores | Phone |
380 Bong Bong St, Bowral | 4868 7207 |
197 Old Hume Hwy, Mittagong West | 4868 7204 |
Wollondilly LGA Stores | Phone |
Cnr Remembrance Driveway and Thirlmere Way, Tahmoor | 4677 6200 |
Medication returns program
Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) Program
The RUM Program allows you to return your unwanted and out-of-date medicines to your local pharmacy for safe disposal. Contact your local pharmacy for more information.
This Dementia and Palliative Care Directory is a Peace of Mind Project initiative.
Navigating the world after a dementia diagnosis is often a tricky and daunting task for families, carers and people living with dementia. This directory has been compiled using local, state and national services to guide you along the path from diagnosis to end-of-life care. It is important to note, this directory is not a comprehensive list of the services available.
This directory was developed as part of South Western Sydney Primary Health Network’s Peace of Mind project (POMp), funded under the Commonwealth Greater Choice for at Home Palliative Care measure. POMp aims to improve the end-of-life journey of people living with dementia, their carers, families and health professionals, through the implementation of education, information and resources for community; professional development opportunities and support through health pathways for GPs.
This directory does not give out professional advice. It is intended to be a reference guide with service information only.
All information is correct at time of publishing and is subject to change without notice.
Order your printed copy of the directory
To request a copy of this directory please call South Western Sydney PHN on 4632 3000.