People living with a disability are some of our most vulnerable community members. Due to underlying health conditions and the nature of their disability, there is a greater risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death as a result of COVID-191.
Please encourage your patients to get vaccinated.
How to get the 2023 COVID-19 booster
If you provide live-in disability residential accommodation, a primary care vaccination service can visit your facility if you cannot use a community-based service. You can choose which doctor or pharmacy.
Contact your Primary Health Network (PHN) for help finding primary care vaccination options, including for services provided on-site.
You can also find a clinic and book their COVID-19 booster using the healthdirect service finder.
healthdirect service finder
Latest provider alert
Information for people with disability and their supporters
Disability tool kit
Moderna vaccine for children 6-months to under 5 years old factsheet
Australian Government factsheet.
How to speak to kids about COVID-19 vaccines factsheet
Australian Government factsheet.
COVID-19 vaccine information for children, teens and parents/guardians factsheet
Australian Government factsheet.
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 to 11: information for parents and guardians
Australian Government factsheet.
COVID-19 vaccine information for disability service providers
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11: information for parents and guardians
Australian Government factsheet.