26 February 2024

As part of the Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention funding program South Western Sydney PHN has undertaken extensive consultation and co-design to identify barriers to seeking help, and to enhance and improve access to local services.

Key findings from the consultation process told us stigma and a lack of awareness about suicide and local services, along with a lack of culturally appropriate supports were significant barriers to people seeking help.

Recommendations from co-design include:

  • Ensuring non-clinical and peer-led mentoring services promoting social connectedness are known
  • Establishing peer-led support services to connect people who have similar experiences of suicidality or suicide bereavement
  • Funding public awareness campaigns to breakdown stigma and encourage help-seeking

As a key measure to address co-design recommendations, SWSPHN is offering Suicide Prevention Grants of between $50,000 and $200,000 for regional initiatives.


What activities will be funded?

Activities delivered under these grants must aim to:

  • Promote social connectedness and reduce loneliness through peer approaches; and/or
  • Reduce stigma around suicide and promote help seeking through increased awareness of suicide and increased access to relevant local services

These activities must focus on priority populations including men, First Nations people, recent refugees, veterans, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people living in semi-rural and rural areas, those experiencing financial hardship, and people who identify as LGBTQIA+.

See guidelines for more details.


Who can apply?

The following can apply:

  • Non-government and government funded organisations
  • Community managed organisations or groups
  • Private entities

SWSPHN will only accept one submission per grant applicant. Applicants must have an ABN or partner with an organisation with an ABN to manage the grant on their behalf.

See all terms and conditions in the Suicide Prevention Grants Guidelines.


How to apply

To apply:
Step 1: Review Regional Suicide Prevention Grant Guidelines
Step 2: Download and complete the Expression of Interest
Step 3: Email the completed application form to communitygrants@swsphn.com.au by 5pm, 25 March, 2024.

Late applications will not be accepted.