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National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023
The National COVID-19 Health Management Plan for 2023 outlines the Australian Government health supports to manage COVID-19 over the next 12 months. These health supports have been informed by the likely 2023 Australian epidemiological outlook and advice from the Chief Medical Officer.
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GP, Practice Manager
GP antiviral pre-assessment of aged care home residents form
This NSW Health pre-assessment must be completed by a doctor (preferably the resident’s regular GP), based on a discussion with the resident and/or the resident’s representative, before the resident tests positive for influenza or COVID-19.
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Patient COVID-19 vaccination – consent form
This consent form is not mandatory. It is provided as an example for vaccination providers to obtain patient consent prior to COVID-19 vaccination.
Part 4 – How to remove and dispose of PPE
Watch the below videos produced by RACGP showing appropriate use of Personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitiser to help protect yourself, practice staff and patients during COVID-19. (Links to YouTube)