It can be difficult to know when a child’s behaviour is a typical developmental stage or whether further intervention is needed.
Examples of challenging behaviour include:
- defiance/refusing age-appropriate requests
- overly fussy such as difficulty settling
- hurting self/others
- excessively angry when refused their wishes
- ongoing or frequent emotional outbursts
When to refer?
Challenging behaviour is part of typical development.
However, families need support if their child’s behaviour is impacting on family functioning, the child’s engagement in daily tasks and learning environments, or if there are safety concerns.
Some behaviours may be due to an undiagnosed developmental delay (e.g., social, emotional, communication), disability or trauma.
Where to refer?
- psychologist or family therapist
- parent-child interaction therapist
- parenting education program such as Circle of Security or Tuning in to Kids
Find out more
- where and how to refer
- parent child interaction therapist
- EACH referral
- parent handouts (English, Vietnamese, Arabic)
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These articles are written by members of the ‘Stronger Seeds, Taller Trees’ project which includes professionals from a number of government and non-government organisations in South Western Sydney. The group aims to support GPs working with families to navigate and access timely services when they have a concern about a child’s development.