10 May 2023

Co-design invitationNeami National is looking for people to participate in co-design workshops for the soon-to-open Liverpool Head to Health centre.  Three workshops will be run by Neami National, which is commissioned by South Western Sydney PHN to run Liverpool Head to Health. 


During the co-design workshops you will contribute to:

  • Help create a culturally inclusive service for our communities
  • Share your experience accessing or working in mental health services
  • Contribute your ideas about what matters when it comes to mental health services

Neami National is looking for: 

  • People who have a lived or living experience of mental health challenges, distress, adversity, recovery and or service use
  • People with lived or living experience in supporting someone with these experiences as a carer, family member or significant other
  • People working in or connected to primary health, first-responders or community services

Workshop participants will be asked to share their experiences and ideas on:

  • Creating an inclusive environment and what inclusive practices are important at Liverpool Head to Health
  • Insights about what you would want from this service and what supports should be provided
  • Ideas on how we can create avenues for ongoing community and stakeholder engagement and leadership


The three co-design sessions

Session 1: Consumer care and experience – two hours
Date: Thursday, 18 May 2023
Time: 10am – 12pm
Location: Liverpool City Library, 170 George Street, Liverpool (pink room)

Session 2: Consumer care and experience – two hours
Date: Thursday, 1 June 2023
Time: 10am – 12pm
Location: Liverpool City Library, 170 George Street, Liverpool (pink room)

Session 3: Governance and community engagement – two hours
Date: Thursday, 15 June 2023
Time: 10am – 12pm
Location: Liverpool City Library, 170 George Street, Liverpool (pink room)


Please RSVP before the event you are attending

You may register your interest online, by phone or email:

Online expression of Interest form

Contact Vicki from Neami National:
Ph: 0403 453 536
Email: vicki.langan@neaminational.org.au

Please detail any accessibility requirements you may require.


About Liverpool Head to Health

Neami National logoNeami National is designing and delivering the new Liverpool Head to Health. The service will address key gaps in the system, offering information, advice and support about mental health, use of alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention, referral pathways for individuals, their carers and family.

Liverpool Head to Health will be a welcoming, inclusive place with a mix of lived experience, wellbeing and clinical staff. The service offers immediate support for people experiencing distress or crisis, as well as ongoing short-term support, access to information and help to navigate available services.