The aged care system is not always simple or straightforward.
For older Australians, navigating and accessing aged care services through My Aged Care and other relevant community supports can be daunting.
Assistance is available through care finders who provide face-to-face assistance to vulnerable older people needing different help to that provided by the My Aged Care call service or website.
There are care finder services available in each different region across in South Western Sydney and covering a range of cultural needs.
The care finder tasks can include:
- Assist eligible older people with their My Aged Care applications, provide guidance on services to apply for and attend the My Aged Care assessment where appropriate
- Work through income/means testing and costs (with support from Services Australia as required)
- Help people connect with health services, mental health services, housing services, drug and alcohol services, community groups and transport as needed
- Complete high-level check-in on a periodic basis and follow up support once services have commenced
- Build a rapport with clients and providers
Referrals are centralised through the Triple I Hub.
GPs can use the referral form or install templates for MedicalDirector and Best Practice via the link on this webpage.